Willy Kükenthal

Willy Georg Kükenthal (August 4, 1861 - August 20, 1922) was a German zoologist who was a native of Weißenfels.

He was a student at the Universities of Munich and Jena, earning his doctorate at the latter institution in 1884. In 1889 he became a professor of zoology at Jena, and in 1898 was a professor of comparative anatomy and zoology at the University of Breslau and director of the zoological museum. In 1911-12 he was a visiting professor at the University of Cambridge, and afterwards a professor at the University of Berlin and director of the zoological museum. In 1918-19 he was president of the German Zoological Society.

In 1889 Kükenthal participated on a scientific expedition to Svalbard on behalf of the Bremen Geographical Society, and in 1894 did zoological research in the Malay archipelago and northern Moluccas. He specialized in the study of Octocorallia, a subclass of Anthozoa that consists of sea pens, sea fans and soft corals. His large collection of zoological specimens is now housed at the Senckenberg Museum in Frankfurt.

He has over twenty zoological species named after him, including Hemirhamphodon kuekenthali (Kuekenthal's halfbeak), Parantica kuekenthali (Kuekenthal's yellow tiger) and Lysmata kuekenthali (Kuekenthal's cleaner shrimp). Also, Kükenthaløya, a small island located between Spitsbergen and Barentsøya is named in his honor.

Selected publications
